The Chiropractic Approach to Wellness
Chiropractors seek to maintain optimal functioning by correcting subluxations—improper positioning of the moving bones of the spine, which can interfere with the vital exchange of information from nerves to body systems and cells.

The nervous system—which begins from the spinal column—controls all of your systems: respiratory, digestive, endocrine, immune, plus organ function and muscle contractions. It also activates proper chemicals for cellular function and tissue repair. Without our nervous system, nothing would happen, and any aspect of health can be diminished by nerve interference. Chiropractors address these subluxations that impair health and interfere with the body’s ability to self-correct and heal.
How Altman Wellness Center Helps You Heal
The philosophy and science of chiropractic revolves around the nervous system which controls and coordinates every single function in your body. Chiropractors seek to maintain optimal functioning by correcting subluxations—improper positioning of the moving bones of the spine, which can interfere with the vital exchange of information from nerves to body systems and cells.
The nervous system—which begins from the spinal column—controls all of your systems: respiratory, digestive, endocrine, immune, plus organ function and muscle contractions. It also activates proper chemicals for cellular function and tissue repair. Without our nervous system, nothing would happen, and any aspect of health can be diminished by nerve interference. Chiropractors address these subluxations that impair health and interfere with the body’s ability to self-correct and heal.
How Altman Wellness Center Helps you Heal

Chiropractors are experts in detecting areas of nerve irritation throughout your body. Dr. Altman begins the healing process by meeting with you and gathering a detailed history, and then administers a complete neuromuscular evaluation. Through this evaluation and your computerized thermographic readout, Dr. Altman will determine the exact area along your spine that is causing the irritation to your nervous system and the concomitant health problems you are experiencing.
He will set up a schedule for your visits to address your immediate health needs, and a maintenance schedule to ensure your body is working at its best at all times.

As your spine’s personal trainer, Dr. Altman will work to restore your spinal column’s proper alignment and function. You’ll find that after a few sessions, your spine stays in alignment longer as it is trained and as your body stops compensating for the subluxations it had previously endured. As the nerve irritation and interference are removed, over time you will find that your pelvis no longer tilts, your legs will be the same length, your posture will improve, and pain and other symptoms will subside. Many patients find that after their non-invasive chiropractic treatments, they sleep better and more comfortably, their concentration sharpens, and they experience an overall feeling of well-being.
To enhance treatment, Experience Chiropractic also offers body massages by a trained massage therapist as well as infrared sauna, ionic detox foot baths, and more. Appointments are available during regular office hours.